Things your home insurance doesn’t cover

Home insurance fosters confidence about your home’s protection. It offers numerous types of coverage to safeguard you from lawsuits, fires, and other catastrophic events, but not everything that could go wrong. At Melvin Gessner Insurance Agency in Willis, TX, we are committed to ensuring our customers have the type and extent of home insurance they need. Always read your policy for exclusions.


Flooding is probably the most surprising thing that isn’t covered by home insurance. If a pipe bursts inside your home, it likely will be covered. However, it isn’t covered if the river overflows its banks or a storm surges from the Gulf. Only an inch or two of water can cause thousands of dollars worth of damage to your home. However, you can purchase flood insurance through the NFIP (National Flood Insurance Program). If you are in danger, it is worth the cost.

Wear and Tear

Things age and thus break. Your home insurance does not cover these types of instances. If your roof gets old, you will need to replace it before it leaks. A broken furnace, too, is not covered. You can get appliance insurance, which might cover it.

Owner Neglect

As a homeowner, your insurance company assumes you will maintain your home. If you end up with termites or rodents, it’s the homeowner’s fault for not getting the correct preventative treatment.

Earth Movement

When the earth moves, whether it encompasses an earthquake, a sinkhole, a landslide, or a mudslide, your home insurance doesn’t cover it.

At Melvin Gessner Insurance Agency in Willis, TX, we will work with you to ensure you acquire exactly the home insurance you need and can afford. Call us today.