My Bikes Are Collectible: Will That Make a Difference in Insurance?

Not everyone purchases a vehicle solely for transportation. Some people invest in vehicles like classic motorcycles for their historical value, appreciating their unique look and feel, and planning to drive them minimally. This is quite different from those who buy a new bike to use as their primary mode of transportation. How will it impact your insurance if you identify more with those who invest in classic or antique motorcycles? Let’s explore what considerations you need to consider when shopping for motorcycle insurance for your bikes and how we here at Melvin Gessner Insurance Agency in Willis, TX, can help.

Do Collectibles Require Different Insurance Than New Bikes?

You’ll want to opt for classic motorcycle insurance if you own multiple bikes, primarily older models with high collectible value. This will ensure the full cash value of your bike, protecting you if your motorcycle somehow becomes damaged. Knowing your investments are insured will give you the peace of mind you need. However, if you have other bikes you ride regularly, you’ll also want regular insurance that provides basic coverage for motorcycles, which wouldn’t be a devastating loss. The collectible status of your bikes changes the nature of your insurance needs, so consider this when shopping for motorcycle insurance!

Get the Right Motorcycle Insurance for You With Melvin Gessner Insurance Agency

Whether you need standard motorcycle insurance or something else for your bikes, we’re here to help! Get started now with Melvin Gessner Insurance Agency in Willis, TX. Compare quotes today!